Title: The King's Gambit
Series: The King's Game #1
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Delve into the vampire world and uncover Agent Abigail Collins' mysterious past in the new spin-off of the Amazon best-selling Here Witchy Witchy Series.

Power, glory, secrets.
The life of a king is never easy, especially for the king of vampires, Leviticus Felecos. Nothing is going as expected. Magical drugs have found their way into Levi’s territory. The culprit is an unknown low-level vampire with someone sinister pulling the strings - an old enemy and the vampire society's most wanted rogue. Ira. But drugs are not all Ira has up his sleeves. Ira has his eyes set on Levi’s territory and his crown, and he knows the vampire's one weakness. Abigail.

Everything Levi has done was to protect Abigail, but now he may be forced to unravel the web of lies and secrets he has built. Will the King call Ira’s bluff and risk Abigail's life? Or will Ira force the King’s hand?

Also in this series:
Title: Initiative
Series: The King's Game #2
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Delve into the vampire world and uncover Agent Abigail Collins' mysterious past in the new spin-off of the Amazon best-selling Here Witchy Witchy Series.

Blood-starved vampires, zombies, and brotherly-hate.
Levi’s territory is quickly becoming the scene for out of control vampires. When zombies and blood-starved vampires start showing up, it becomes clear that Ira is around, and he has his sights set on Abigail. Using a pawn within PIB, Ira brings Abigail further into the world of vampires and pushes Levi toward a choice he doesn’t want to make.

It’s time for the King of Vampires and the council to make a decision about Ira and how to handle him. The number of blood-starved vampires and attacks are growing. Soon the monsters will make their way into the human world, and it’s up to them to stop Ira. Consequences and sacrifices be damned.

Also in this series:
Title: King Takes Rook
Series: The King's Game #3
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Book Three in the Here Witchy Witchy Spin off:

Dead bodies, Ira's dangerous games, and a mystery that Levi has no business dealing with…

As the King of Vampires and territory leader, Levi often gets handed cases in the vampire world. When there are whispers of Ira in a neighboring town, he goes to investigate. With Mario by his side, Levi is thrown into the lawless city of Sol Ridge, where shifters and witches rule the streets. A missing child, a secret coven, and Ira inching closer means there’s no time to lose.

Abigail has found leftovers of Ira’s experiments in her recent case, putting her in danger. Levi knows more about her case than he wants to let on and struggles with how much information to give her without revealing a lifetime of lies. Ira is inching closer to getting what he wants and believes there’s nothing Levi can do to stop him.

Also in this series:
Title: Defiance
Series: The King's Game #4
ASIN: B07W6G35D3
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Every lie Levi tells is to protect Abigail. To keep her in the dark about what she was and who he was, for her own protection, but Ira is closing in. Blood-starved hybrids are starting to become a nightly occurrence. Labs, locations, everything needs to be hunted down and destroyed. There’s one problem. Ira doesn’t want to play by the rules.

Driven by his mad need to control and create the perfect hybrid, Ira is acting rashly, without thought. No territory is off-limits, no person is off-limits, and that includes Abigail. Ira has set his sights on his niece and will do anything to expose the truth and Levi’s lies.

Let the game continue.

Also in this series:
Title: All the King's Secrets
Series: The King's Game #5
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Levi has always had his fair share of secrets, but now the web of lies he spun to protect Abigail is falling apart. Ira has gone into hiding, but more dangers lurk beyond his labs and creatures. Mario’s past, Levi’s past, and Abigail’s powers are all starting to come into play more than Levi expected.

Now Abigail knows about Levi being king, and she has been dragged into the world of vampires, and Levi has assigned her a bodyguard. With Mario at her side, Levi feels more comfortable, except trouble always finds away.

Also in this series:
Title: Bad Bishop
Series: The King's Game #6
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Ira knows Levi’s secrets.
All of them.
When his brother comes demanding a meeting with Abigail, Levi has no choice but to agree. After all, Ira doesn’t make idle threats. While trying to negotiate the best way to keep Abigail safe and in the dark about her true nature, Levi tackles the mystery of a suspected chupacabra in Ireland. With Abigail’s current case hitting close to home, can Levi balance being King and keeping her safe?

Also in this series:
Title: False Draw
Series: The King's Game #7
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Vampires, hybrids, and death…

When victims of vampires start showing up in the territory, Levi has his hands full. Then a letter from his maker arrives. Levi hopes that Abigail will stay out of town and out of trouble while he navigates the case with the help of Grayson. A trail of clues puts Levi on the train of the missing hybrid, and Levi enlists the help of Abigail’s lead agent, Liz Jefferson. But the secrets are piling up and getting harder to hide.

Also in this series:
Title: Check
Series: The King's Game #8
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Levi’s been called home.

A summons on his desk forces his hand to introduce Abigail to his maker, but there are other forces at play. With a traitor in their mist and Abigail back on the field, Levi’s ability to keep her safe is slipping. How long will he be able to keep his secrets from his maker? And when will Ira make his move?

Check is book eight in the King’s Game series, a spin off of Here Witchy Witchy providing Levi’s point of view; Therefore, it does contain spoilers for the main series.

Also in this series: